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Casella dB36 Software for CEL-6X0 Sound Level Meters

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Casella dB36 Software for CEL-6X0 Sound Level Meters


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Casella dB36 Software for CEL-6X0 Sound Level Meters

Casella dB36 Software for CEL-6X0 Sound Level Meters



CEL-6844 dB36 Software for CEL-6X0 Sound Level Meters by Casella

The dB36 software is a dedicated package for use with the CEL-6X0 series of sound level meters. It features a powerful database to store recordings made with any of the meters in the CEL-6X0 family such as the CEL-620B octave band real time analyzer.

The CEL-6X0 series measure all of the noise parameters for every run including multiple frequency weightings and time responses. Maximum, minimum and average levels are collected with all of the various weighting factors and can be displayed in specific or user customized formats. Where octave band results have been captured then maximum and average spectra are shown graphically and in tables with cursor readouts.

Key Benefits

  • Dedicated software package for the CEL-6X0 series meters
  • Powerful database facilities allow easy downloading and viewing of store run results
  • Compatible with Windows Vista, XP, 2000, ME and NT operating systems
  • View results in table format with graphical displays of octave band records
  • Create a hierarchical data structure to represent the organization and allocate readings to a site or person
  • Ideal for workplace noise measurements or basic sound level recording
  • Export facilities for run data as standard to other software packages
  • Reporting option for hard copies and reports

Typical screen shots

Run information is downloaded from the sound level meter and saved in a database. It can be assigned to any node that is created in the structure pane on the left hand side of the screen by simply dragging and dropping the “run” onto the location or worker or machine as required. This allows the user to make a representation of the company structure to show the locations, processes and any individual people involved in the measurement procedure together with the relevant noise results. Since every run contains all the measurements that the meter is capable of collecting it is possible to select just the relevant results to display after a run is downloaded to dB36. This makes it very powerful.

Where run data includes octave band results from a CEL-620B meter the resultant octave band spectrum can be graphically displayed as a bar chart together with the table of results for the Leq average spectrum and the Lmax maximum spectrum. A cursor can be used to highlight significant octave bands for further inspection or noise control work. The table of results and the chart can be easily exported to other programs for reports or to make further calculations in a separate spreadsheet, for example.

A report generator is included as standard and allows finished reports to be constructed and saved or printed out immediately to any attached printer. The report can be exported in many popular formats including; pdf, rtf, jpg, bmp, xls etc. The report an be customized by the user to change headings, footers and to add a company logo if required.

As an aid to identifying different areas for attention the results can be color coded at up to 4 different levels of alarm condition. The colors and the decibel value can be changed by the user to suit any local condition required.

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