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Monitoring Combustible Gases

2.9 Monitoring Combustible Gases

The instrument displays the combustible gas concentration in %LEL or %CH4 on the Measuring page until another page is selected or the instrument is turned OFF.


If an alarm activates while using the instrument, leave the area immediately.
Remaining in the area under such circumstances can cause serious personal injury or death.

The instrument has two alarm setpoints:

  • HIGH Alarm
  • LOW Alarm.

If the gas concentration reaches or exceeds the alarm setpoint, the instrument:

  • backlight turns ON
  • a vibrating alarm triggers
  • displays and flashes the alarm icon and either the minimum icon (LOW alarm) or the maximum icon (HIGH alarm)
  • enters an alarm state.

When gas reading reaches 100% LEL or 5.00% CH4, the instrument enters a Lock Alarm state, the combustible sensor shuts down and displays